Felt roof covering

The majority of roof structures are underlaid with felt as a second line defence in the event of water ingress. The felt channels the water down the felt and into the gutters in the event it gets under the tiles.

Over years where edges are exposed the felt begins to perish and will require replacement, usually at the bottom layer (felt bottoms).

Overtime you will find the entire covering is beginning to degrade and breakdown, particular in those older properties with bituminous felt.

Patch repair? Whist patch repairs might provide a temporary solution this is unlikely to fix your ongoing issues and is likely to be an expensive means to an end, considering the majority of properties will require scaffolding to be erected to carry out such repairs each time.

If this repair is not carried out, then your roof timbers could be at risk of rot and decay.

Our specialists can carry out a roof survey to advise on the quality of your felt covering and whether any imminent action is likely to be required.